Each of the following critical anthologies features an array of scholarly essays on individual films. Even a cursory look at the table of contents from each collection demonstrates how much the study of Weimar cinema has expanded beyond the classics. Many of these essays since 2010 analyze films that address issues of colonialism, anti-Semitism, feminism, same-sex relationships, and class warfare, among others. The list below provides prefaces or introductions as well as Tables-of-Contents that show the various films analyzed.
Deutsche Spielfilme von den Anfängen bis 1933. Ein Filmführer, ed. by Günther Dahlke und Günter Karl (Henschelverlag: Bellin (DDR), 1988
Filme der 20er, ed by Jürgen Müller (Taschen: Köln: 2007)
Weimar Cinema: An Essential Guide to Classic Films of the Era. Ed. by Noah Isenberg (New York: Columbia UP, 2009)
Weimar Cinema, 1919-1933: Daydreams and Nightmares, ed. by Laurence Kardish (New York: The Museum of Modern Art, 2010)
The Many Faces of Weimar Cinema: Rediscovering Germany’s Filmic Legacy, ed. by Christian Rogowski (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2010)
A Critical History of German Film, by Stephen Brockmann (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2010)
A New History of German Cinema, ed. by Jennifer M. Kapczynski and Michael D. Richardson (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2012).
Continuity and Crisis in German Cinema, 1928-1936, ed by Barbara Hales, Mihaela Petrescu, and Valerie Weinstein (Rochester, NY: Camden House, 2016).
Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Cinema, ed by Barbara Hales and Valerie Weinstein (Oxford, New York: Berhahn Books, 2021)